My friend Lara Magnusdottir from California (originally from Iceland) and I are involved in an organization which she (Lara) started called "FoodsharesCebu". We have help to form an agreement between a resort on Mactan Island, the Shangri-La, and the Albert Schweitzer Children's Haven orphanage in which leftover food will be frozen and transported to this orphanage weekly. This orphanage is also on Mactan Island, located 8 miles from the Shangri-La. Mactan Island is accessible by 2 bridges to Cebu. In fact, Mactan Island is where the airport is located for Cebu Island. This orphanage is budgeted for 100,000 pesos per month for the 68 children who range from 1 year to teenaged. This translates to $33 USD per child per month, so one dollar a day to feed each child! Hopefully, more resorts with agree to donate food to the other orphanages. That is our goal! See pics of the orphanage below.
New Plan 2016
My friend Linda and I visited Albert Schweitzer Children's Haven in January 2016 to follow up on the Food Shares Cebu donations since Lara moved back to the US. The person at Albert Schweitzer was different than the lady we talked to before and did not know of FoodsharesCebu and said they have not received any donations from Shangri-La. The Shangri-La Resort has changed management. I do have some exciting/hopeful news. My visit to the Albert Schweitzer orphanage was also to scope out service opportunities for the American Chamber. The lady I spoke to at Albert Schweitzer wants to start a garden there. She has already had an architect draw up plans and will email me the plans. This is a perfect project for several reasons: AmCham is looking for a sustainable project; the orphanage could have fresh vegetables; children could learn about gardening; and the green space would be more aesthetic than all of the concrete rubble. So once I get the plans, hopefully AmCham will provide funding and perhaps some friends can donate their gardeners to install.
Albert Schweitzer Children's Haven 2015 |
Albert Schweitzer Children's Haven 2015 |
Albert Schweitzer Children's Haven January 2016 |
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